Sunshine or Cloudshine?

Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas Clouds

I love today's sky. It makes me think of Christmastime. What sky do I see? A gray, totally overcast sky. Why does it feel like a holiday? Nostalgia. Pure , plain and simple. This practical person occasionally lapses into reminiscing. I remember all the snow storms, sledding parties, and hot cocoa with family and friends. The boys always bringing out the Monopoly game, Dad cracking nuts, Mom making fudge and serving hot buttered popcorn. Dad reading the nativity story from the Bible to one and all. A holiday did not mean stress or hurry-skurry to my childhood home. It was thoughts of God's goodness and the delight of sharing it with others. Do I view the past through rose colored glasses? Sure, why not?!
And I hope to recreate some of that same peace in my life today and in the lives of those around me. Just as God helps to remove the pain of past failures, and allows us to live in His peace daily with no condemnation over past dark skies... in the same way I want to share the story of His birth and His peace through salvation to every one I meet. So I think of Christmas past with peace, and know I can look to the Christmas of tomorrow with the same confidence. I love a gray winter sky for all its' memories, and I love our Lord for all the memories he has replaced with peace.

So look at a winter sky, think of pleasant memories and praise God for all He has done , is doing, and will do for us in our future.

Merry Christmas to all of us , and may our New Year be the most blessed we have ever had.

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