Sunshine or Cloudshine?

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


In the middle of winter the skies are dark as I leave home for my one hour commute to work. So I walk outside in complete darkness requiring lights to navigate safely. But within minutes the sky has become a changing palette of colors. Sometimes myriad shades of gray, or perhaps many variations for which I do not have names.
For example, the other day having left at my usual time, I became increasingly aware of a glowing pink on the western horizon. It caught my attention, since to my knowledge, the sun still rises in the east. Glancing in the rear view mirror I see the eastern sky is still as dark as night. As we topped the next hill I saw the tops of all the tall trees were the same glowing pink! Leafless as they were, it presented a striking resemblance to paintbrushes ready for a masterpiece.
My view of the sky soon revealed the origin of the light show as I saw a bright golden flash- then an orb of gold spreading in the east. The morning session of painting with light had begun. The dark disappeared and beautiful serene blue took its place. Each and every little wisp of cloud became an indescribable shade of pink. The sky became an experiment of pink on blue. I forgot the darkness which had greeted me when I opened my door only a few short moments earlier. Gone was the need for artificial lights--I was bathing in glorious living colors of light .

I remember just the same type of experience when the dark cloud of satanic oppression was lifted from my life and I could once again revel in the wonder of God's glorious light. From experience I can now say: 'This too shall pass. The darkest hour is just before a beautiful dawn. And truly joy comes in the morning. '
Wait out the darkness, never give in. The SON is coming!


Lil Joe... said...

thank you...
i needed that today :)

Sunnee said...

Thank you! I wanted to have a blog for this very reason. I want to help, to ease life, to point the way thru pain. I have been there and I have survived by God's grace. And in reference to your most recent blog-- emerged victorious. PTL.

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