Sunshine or Cloudshine?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Today the skies are gray and wintry. The steady rain fluctuates from fine mist to drenching downpour. And I'm thinking of today's beautiful sunrise... No, I didn't see it and I'm confidant there wasn't one to see with the physical eyes. But I felt the sunrise in my heart. I know that God made a beautiful sunrise and someone somewhere was blessed as a result. In my drizzly world I am blessed just knowing this is another day God has given. Now -what am I going to do with it? Just as God was faithful to make another day, another sunrise, I must be faithful to do my best to bring the sunshine of God's love into the hearts and lives darkened by delusion and distance.
As I feel and sense the light of this day, my prayer is to light someone's way to God's eternal day. So as the rain dampens your life, breathe a prayer for light and share the Son.


Lil Joe... said...

hi motn! thank you for reminding us that there is sunshine hidden behind the clouds

Sunnee said...

I think of your clouds and rainy days and always wish I could help you remember God's light is always there for you. I'm praying for you. motn

Lil Joe... said...

sometimes i just need to be reminded :)

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