Sunshine or Cloudshine?

Monday, December 11, 2006

Cameras and Clouds

I have a camera in my heart- I added cloud pictures today. It was a cloudy, blustery day. Perfect for walking down a winding lane- conversing or communing. Instead, in the middle of the rush hour rat race, I watch gray turn blue, pink edges appear, bright spots open and within moments the sun is brightening every one's day. So many times we see the clouds and turn away, back into ourselves waiting for it all to go away. Instead let's look for the bright spots , the turning of the colors. God is always there. He is in that cloud and in the sun that drives the darkness away. Patience proves what we sometimes cannot imagine is even there. In my love affair with the sun, I have discovered I love the clouds also! Without those gray menacing moments, how could I possibly know the awesomeness of the sun?! Or properly appreciate it's warmth?

Oh, how many times have I concentrated on, yes even been consumed by, the dark things in my life... where was the sun at those times? Right where it always has been and ever will be. Why did I not see it? Perhaps I turned away too soon, or forgot to look for the rainbow. But now I know the sun was in its grandeur shining as always. There was just something between me and its warmth and light.

May I always remember God is in His heaven and all is right with the world. Even if I cannot see it through my finite eyes. Pain may cloud my life, but God's infinite grace will clear my skies.

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