Sunshine or Cloudshine?

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Colors

Do you turn on your Christmas lights when Christmas is past? (and I don't mean hanging on your house year-round.) But just a little while longer?
Last night there was so much starshine, it caused me to think of the star that shone so bright for the birth of our Lord; And for the length of time it must have shone for the Wise Men. Can you imagine that sight ? Or was it only visible to those who were looking? Have you ever driven by and scarcely glanced at a display which may have taken hours for the owners to prepare? But, not being interested, it didn't even merit a second glance. How many today do not see God's light which He has put out there for every man? They don't comprehend what it took for God to send his only Son... and all that surrounds the story of His birth.
Is it our responsibility to bring attention to the magnificent display of God's love? Like the shepherds so long ago... yes, I must tell others of the light and life they are missing out on.

YES, I will leave the lights shining for a little longer --who knows, someone might notice and stop out there in the darkness and ponder the light shining from my heart.

This little light of mine...

1 comment:

. said...

Definitely! I just put my lights up the week before Christmas so I think I'll leave them burning till after the first of the year. I usually do anyway. :D

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