Contrasts. Look at the contrasts. The majestic monolithic mountains! The delicacy of the flowers! In the world of designers, it could be said this is the work of two distinct creators. But in the realm of
our great God-- we know the creator of the mountain also created each wispy flower and every unique snowflake on the mountain. Now I wonder... have you ever made something that you did not know and recognize? Perhaps a piece of furniture? Or a tasty dessert? (no poking or pointing here) Seriously. If the God who made us does not know and recognize us --who could? We can rest assured-
we are known! We are known and loved.
He recognizes our frame-who we are, and who we could be. He knows our strengths (the mountains) and the weaknesses (the flowers). I can be at peace knowing He knows. And if He made me and knows me... He can heal me. He
knows me...I want to
know Him.
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